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Global equities manager William Francklin to join James Hambro & Partners

Global equities manager William Francklin to join James Hambro & Partners

US and global equity markets specialist William Francklin is to join James Hambro & Partners, as the firm continues its strong growth.

Francklin was a private client director at Waverton Investment Management for 22 years and a senior member of its asset allocation and stock selection committees. He joins JH&P as a Partner.

JH&P CEO Andy Steel said: “We already have significant depth of expertise in equity markets and our ability to build portfolios with a blend of direct equities and funds has been a factor in our outstanding performance over the past six years. William will enhance that equities strength, bringing his extensive knowledge of US and wider global markets and expanding our international coverage generally.

“This is an exciting appointment for us and demonstrates our commitment to growing the business and continuing to build on the talent within it.”

Francklin’s appointment comes as JH&P approaches £2bn of assets under management. The firm also recently moved from its original home on Ryder Street to larger offices in Pall Mall as it prepares for further expansion.

Steel added: “We’re determined to maintain the level of performance we’ve established which has seen our private client, charity and financial adviser divisions all grow strongly in recent months. We were reaching capacity in our old offices and needed extra space as we’ll be making more hires at all levels in order to continue to provide the level of service our clients have come to expect.”

JH&P Chairman James Hambro said: “It’s particularly pleasing that we are able to attract a new Partner of William Francklin’s calibre. He is hugely respected within the industry for his expertise and experience in global equity markets over 35 years.”

Prior to joining what is now Waverton, Francklin spent 13 years at Morgan Grenfell International Fund Management – latterly as director – where he was responsible for the international equity team, managing the overseas assets of UK pension funds and working in London and New York.


About James Hambro & Partners

Founded in 2010, James Hambro & Partners has £1.8bn assets under management.

Its partnership structure has helped it to attract and retain high-quality personnel. It now has 17 investment professionals with an average of 25 years’ investment experience and a dedicated support team.

The firm offers institutional-quality investment management to advisers, charities and individuals. In 2016 James Hambro & Partners won the PAM Award for Image & Reputation.