The value of your investments and the income received from them can fall as well as rise. You may not get back the amount you invested.
Camilla Cecil
Portfolio Manager | London
Camilla Cecil
Camilla has been in the investment management industry for over a decade now. She joined JH&P in 2017 after five years at Ruffer on their global fund and later in their Hong Kong office, co-managing the Asia fund. At JH&P, she manages private clients, trusts and charities while spearheading the Asia stock selection. Camilla graduated with a first in Mathematics and also came top in the country in the CISI Diploma in Wealth Management in 2014. Camilla continues to draw inspiration from her first three bosses at Rothschild, Enders Analysis and Ruffer, who were all female. This experience showed her that women can successfully balance their personal and professional lives. Camilla believes service and performance are at the forefront of what we try to uphold for clients at JH&P – and her mathematical background enables her to use her analytical skills to review businesses. Camilla loves to play the piano when she’s not running around after her two sons. She also enjoys travel, especially to Asia – somewhere that will always have a place in her heart after her time working out there.