The value of your investments and the income received from them can fall as well as rise. You may not get back the amount you invested.
Joe Cox
Investment Assistant | London
Joe Cox

Joe joined James Hambro and Partners in 2021 as part of the Projects team, before transferring to the Middle Office in 2022 as a Middle Office Associate. In November 2023 Joe joined the Investment team as an Investment Assistant to Rosie Bullard, Mark Leach and Mark Richmond-Watson.

The pride that Joe takes from delivering a best-in-class service to each and every client is what gives him his motivation at JH&P. He enjoys working towards clear goals and is inspired by the core values of the business: working together to make a difference and going above and beyond for our clients are beliefs that Joe also shares.

Outside of work, Joe enjoys a number of sports, particularly rugby, five-a-side football and squash. He is also an avid traveller.