The value of your investments and the income received from them can fall as well as rise. You may not get back the amount you invested.
Toby Collett
Assistant Financial Planner | London
Toby Collett

Toby joined JH&P as an Assistant Financial Planner in April 2024. He has worked in Investment Management since graduating from the University of Exeter with a First-class degree in Economics and Finance in 2021. He holds the CII Diploma in Financial Planning and is working towards becoming Chartered.

In his spare time Toby enjoys keeping fit by playing golf, running and going to the gym. He also enjoys being at home with his family and two dogs. Toby is inspired by Gary Player’s quote “The harder you practice, the luckier you get”. He thrives on the personal interactions he has with his colleagues and clients. Toby is motivated by the culture of JH&P where providing the highest level of service to clients is at the forefront of what we do and enjoys understanding his clients’ needs in order provide them with the best experience and outcomes.