The value of your investments and the income received from them can fall as well as rise. You may not get back the amount you invested.
Charlotte Gibbs
Director, Financial Planner | London
Charlotte Gibbs

Charlotte joined the financial planning team at JH&P in 2018. She began working in the financial services industry after obtaining a combined honours degree in Mathematics and Spanish from the University of Exeter in 2013, so she was lucky enough to spend a year abroad living in sunny Madrid. Charlotte is a Chartered Financial Planner and Fellow of the Personal Finance Society, the highest qualification in Financial Planning. She is a self-proclaimed extrovert and gets a lot of energy from meeting new people and helping them to solve their problems. Charlotte feels very fortunate to have found a role, company, and career that allows her to do this daily. She believes her passion allows her to create a meaningful experience for her clients. In her spare time, she loves scuba diving (in warmer climates), exploring London’s food scene, and has recently taken golf lessons.