How do you build a sustainable, ethical investment portfolio that meets your precise needs and secures your charity’s financial future?
our offering
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Multi-asset portfolios Managed portfolio service (MPS) Tailored platform solution (TPS)International clients work
with us
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Investment services for charities and not-for-profits
As you’re no doubt aware, taking care of a charity or not-for-profit is a real balancing act. While you’re spending funds wisely to carry out your charity’s purpose, you also have to keep finances on a solid footing.
A carefully designed investment plan is crucial to ensure your organisation can continue to achieve its purpose for years to come. But how do you go about getting that?
Working together to achieve your financial goals
- We’ll dig deep into your charity’s mission and how the trustees wish to invest to further its long-term aims.
- You’ll get an investment strategy and portfolio that matches your risk and return objectives.
- We’ll help you balance ethical considerations so your portfolio aligns with your charity’s values.
Sustainable performance & ethical investing
Environmental, social and governance is at the core of our approach. It simply has to be.
And we believe that companies that embed sustainability in their businesses will outperform in the long-term.
As such, we carry out rigorous assessments of a company’s sustainability profile against our five-point framework that draws on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We also offer a bespoke approach if you need to integrate very specific ethical restrictions.
charities work
with us
Many charities face a challenge in finding the right partner to manage their investment portfolios, often citing limited access to those accountable for performance, poor administration and lack of transparency. That’s not how we work.
With JH&P, you’ll get:
- Accessibility – to a dedicated portfolio manager you’ll get to know well
- Flexibility – a genuinely bespoke portfolio that addresses your unique needs
- Ethicality – award-winning resources and expertise to meet your ethical policy requirements and develop a responsible investment policy
- Transparency – our data is available online and independent peer group performance comparison
- Simplicity – no complex instruments with hidden risks. Using a significant proportion of direct equity holdings has helped drive our strong performance and reduce costs
- Easy administration – in-house administrators work closely with your portfolio manager to deliver clear reports
We also take our own CSR very seriously. After all, how could we work with you if we didn’t?
Our internal CSR committee helps us to embed it in everything we do. We work transparently and fairly, create a positive impact in our community, minimise our environmental impact and invest in personal development. Each employee at JH&P also gets five additional days each year for charitable activities.
Many charities face a challenge in finding the right partner to manage their investment portfolios, often citing limited access to those accountable for performance, poor administration and lack of transparency. That’s not how we work.
With JH&P, you’ll get:
- Accessibility – to a dedicated portfolio manager you’ll get to know well
- Flexibility – a genuinely bespoke portfolio that addresses your unique needs
- Ethicality – award-winning resources and expertise to meet your ethical policy requirements and develop a responsible investment policy
- Transparency – our data is available online and independent peer group performance comparison
- Simplicity – no complex instruments with hidden risks. Using a significant proportion of direct equity holdings has helped drive our strong performance and reduce costs
- Easy administration – in-house administrators work closely with your portfolio manager to deliver clear reports
We also take our own CSR very seriously. After all, how could we work with you if we didn’t?
Our internal CSR committee helps us to embed it in everything we do. We work transparently and fairly, create a positive impact in our community, minimise our environmental impact and invest in personal development. Each employee at JH&P also gets five additional days each year for charitable activities.
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